Community News

An historic step towards Economic Reconciliation

December 19, 2022 – Winnipeg, MB – To conclude negotiations spanning the course of two decades, lands of the former Kapyong Barracks in Winnipeg, MB, were officially converted to reserve and repatriated to the Joint Reserve land base of the seven Treaty One First Nations on December 16, 2022.

Currently the largest First Nation-led Urban Economic Development Zone in Manitoba and the only Urban Reserve to be held collectively by the Treaty One Nations, Naawi-Oodena will set a precedent across Canada for any First Nations developing their own ATR agreements for economic development zones within urban centres and rural municipalities.

Naawi-Oodena means “Centre of the Heart and Community” in the Anishinaabemowin language. Its development will result in the mutual benefits of jobs, income, and profits not only for citizens and businesses of Turtle Island’s First Nations, but those of Winnipeg and surrounding areas. Revenues will flow to respective coffers that contribute to both the City of Winnipeg and First Nation governments as services, infrastructure, and programs are developed on Naawi-Oodena.

At final completion Naawi-Oodena could accommodate a mixed-use zone consisting of facilities geared towards residential, commercial, education, cultural, sports/recreational, and health, and community space-related purposes. Treaty One expects to begin putting shovels-to-ground in the spring of 2023, with development plans estimated to take 15 years to complete in three phases:

  • Phase I (Years 1-5): includes 100 residential units and 300,000 sq. ft of commercial space. Also includes about$25M in infrastructure required to support this level of residential and commercial development.
  • Phase II (Years 6-10): includes a further 600 residential units and another 400,000 sq. ft of commercial space with an additional $30M in infrastructure.
  • Phase Ill (Years 11-15) includes another 400 residential units & 350,000 sq. ft more commercial space. There is a further $29M in infrastructure required to support Phase Ill development.

To view the Naawi-Oodena Master Plan please visit


“Our Leaders-including the ones were instrumental in starting this process and unfortunately did not live to see this day-worked nearly two decades to see this historic step forward in realizing the fiscal and economic potential of Naawi-Oodena. It is a day to celebrate the reclamation of our Treaty lands and look forward to the new generation of reconciliation and progress.” – Treaty One Chairperson Chief Gordon BlueSky, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation

“In regard to the outstanding obligations of Treaty Land Entitlements, Naawi-Oodena represents the strength of the Treaty No. 1 Nations coming together as one. When I refer to strength-as the Treaty One Nations’ membership, and Treaty One Nation lands-this is a huge economic opportunity for our Nations, and it is about time.”

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