“George M. Guimond Centre strives to provide holistic, quality resident centered care, afforded within available resources, reflective of traditional values of First Nation’s people. Residents, families and staff of George M. Guimond Care Centre Inc. are recognized as partners in the development and delivery of long term care services”.
“Working together to empower individuals, families and our community to pursue optimum health through healthy lifestyles.”
George M. Guimond Care Centre Inc. is a 30 bed Personal Care Home located on the Sagkeeng First Nation Community. Sagkeeng First Nation is located approximately 85 miles (187 km.) northeast of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The Sagkeeng Community had strength of vision and a commitment to the people to establish a First Nations care home. After many years of planning and fundraising the PCH opened in 1981. Mr. Jerry Fontaine is recognized as the first Administrator. The 11 original board members were Virginia Fontaine (President), George M. Guimond (Chairperson), Elise Fontaine, Angela Bruyere, Boniface Guimond, Mary Guimond, Martha Prince, Louise Spence, Mary Ann Starr, J.B.D. Swampy, and Agnes Fontaine. Other past board members include Henry Courchene, Andrew Sinclair and Neil Guimond.
Wanda Cook, GMGCC Director
Box 308
Pine Falls, MB R0E 1M0
email: [email protected]
Phone: 204-367-2245
Fax: 204-367-8516