Justice Canada has provided funding for Sagkeeng First Nation to develop their own unique, culturally appropriate, internal Judicial System. The Sagkeeng Justice Project is currently working towards developing this System.
The Justice Project aims to have Sagkeeng Band Members be actively participating and involved in this process, and to provide guidance to the Project. Two community meetings were previously arranged to provide information on this Project and to encourage community discussion. These were held May 30th at the Sagkeeng Band Hall as well as July 8th at Norwood Community Centre, Winnipeg. Two Working Groups were established from these meetings. The Working groups have been meeting bi-weekly & monthly since June 2023.
To encourage participation and to gather information from the Community, the Justice Project is conducting a survey. The survey began on Aug 5th & 6th at the Sagkeeng Pow-wow grounds. Recently, various Survey Workers have been doing the surveys, through individual contacts, person to person and door to door, both in Sagkeeng and in Winnipeg. All Sagkeeng Band Members, who are 18 years and older, are welcome to complete the survey. Participants are not required to provide their name but they are required to provide their age group.
Below is the Survey and the Consent Form.
Band Members are also welcome to join one of the Working Groups.
To get more information on the survey and/ or our Working Group meetings, please contact Justice Project Assistant, Jamie Letander, at 1-204-340-3988, Monday to Friday, between 9am and 5pm. Completed surveys can be submitted to Jamie Letander or emailed to [email protected]
Every Band Member is encouraged to fill out the Survey. All suggestions and comments are welcomed and valuable to this Project.
We look forward to hearing from you. Meegwetch.
Ingrid Nosal, Justice Project Manager
DOWNLOAD THE CONSENT & SURVEY FORM HERE: Sagkeeng Justice Project Consent & Survey Form